Sunday 31 January 2010

Wine and Cheese

I hope noone has been offended by the Wars of Wine and Cheese. The use of cheesy and winey names for my imagiNation regiments are a result of gaming with the cheese loving and freely drinking Birmingham Wargames Society and not intended as an "Allo Allo" type slight on our continental friends. Wine is not aften an accompaniment to our afternoon games (usually an ale or two) but is not unknown. The last wine I recall being an indifferent red called "Rorkes Drift" bought specially to accompany the game. Cheese and biccies have however been mandatory for a number of years now - cheers Richard!

I was pleased to see the first entry on the new BWS forum was not game of the month but Cheese of the Week. Which was, unfortunately, Stinking Bishop - not recommended!


  1. How could we be offended?
    There's Beerstein ... and similar countries ...
    my own Frankszonia (with brands of franfurters and wienies being prominent) is struggling with the Cheezers of Munster, Limburg, Roquefort, etc.
    One of the games posted by someone recently involved repelling the revolting cheese eaters when they tried to float rafts in an amphib assault ...
    So far, nobody has used old auto company names, I think, but one fellow who isn't in EVE likes to use cosmetics for his names ...

  2. That's why we are all imagi-nations...

  3. *Offended*? WHY?
    Are we deadly serious Napoleonic players arguing about 'national characteristics' or the Mamelukes' flies buttons?
    Were you somehow alarmed by Pjort's personal reservations about the tongue-in-cheek', so traditional in Old School Lace Wars-gaming? You should be totally relieved by the comments he got. For me I *fear* overserious wargamers: a little witticism is most than welcomed to 'defuse' what could be obscene in the association of war with game.

  4. I'm sure it's not coincidental that 'we' choose to create Imagi-Nations and play the mid-18th C.: indeed the Lace Wars as we like to imagine them -those gentlemanly officers with lot of delicate Dutch lace at the collar and cuffs of their shirts, trying to outdo each other with courtneousness ("Shoot first, English gentlemen"); this 'knightly', 'elegant' warfare with opposite commanders exchanging compliments, fine meals and wines, almost invitations to concerts and dinners, between battles... - taste *irreal*, taste more like a theaterical play than the 'The Real world ™'. Thus, we are emphatically NOT blood thirsty maniacs eager to simulate as accurately as possible some hideous mutual slaughter.; we are playing a *game*, and the 'tongue-in-cheek' tone, including wittiness in the choice of names, contributes to 'adversise' our 'innocence / innocuousness'.

  5. "The use of cheesy and winey names for my imagiNation regiments are <> not intended as an "Allo Allo" type slight on our continental friends."
    as a representative of a population with some repute for its taste for wines and stinking cheeses, I can insure you that the thought simply never occured to me!
    Now that you drew my attention to this question, well, I'd rather me inclined to perceive the references as a kind of homage!

  6. A scholar and a gent.

    As a lover of most things French homage definitely intended.
